Directed by: Brad Anderson/2018
Brad Anderson returns to film following a recent run in television after having early success with The Machinist and more rec...
Directed by: Francis Lawrence/2018
Before the film Red Sparrow has even come out, there is a lot of outcry against it based on those who are fans of Marvel's...
Ultra Violent, Yet Ultra Forgettable
We‘ve seen a lot of Americans at the movies in the past decade or so. American Beauty,...
Is This the Spy Thriller it Promises to Be in the Trailer, or an Episode of McG's The O.C.?
Director: MCG/2014
What if Frank Farmer, the former secret servi...
Will This Film Reboot the Much Loved Spy Series?
Director: KENNETH BRANAGH/2014
January can be a tough month for movie going. Most films being released in t...