Hollywood, Politics, and World War II: Inseparable From the Start
Say what you will about Hollywood’s influence in poli...
Sweet Christmas! Marvel's Latest Television Series Packs a Relevant Punch
Luke Cage crashed Netflix. Luke freakin' Cage. Netflix. That thing millions of people...
A “Just For The Hell Of It”, Slightly Obsessed Halloween Special!
A Friendly Word Of Warning:
The following ill-conceived venture dates back 5 or 6 year...
Will Arnett And The Search For Authenticy
Confession: I binge-watch a whole lot of Netflix, HBO and Amazon Prime. I know there are better things to do with tha...
The Imminent Doom of a New President
While season 1 of Fargo on FX was very influenced by the film it’s based on, the Coen brother's 1995’s Fargo, a case can b...