The Little Engine That Should...
Director: BONG JOON-HO/2014
Director Joon-ho Bong makes his English-language film debut with Snowpiercer, based on the Fren...
The Current and Future Crises of America's College System
Director: ANDREW ROSSI/2014
In many financial circles, the talk is that the next economic bubble i...
Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons Eastwood Style
Director: CLINT EASTWOOD/2014
“Everybody remembers it how they need to” is the tag line for the new movie ...
A Predictable and Fun Story That Will Win You Over Despite its Flaws
Director: DON MCKELLAR/2014
The town of Tickle Cove in Newfoundland, Canada has had a s...
Egypt's Quest For a World Cup Bid Amidst Its Own Political Upheaval
“We Must Go” is the rally cry of a country wh...
What Just Happened?
Director: WILLIAM EUBANK/2014
What just happened?
Sometimes you leave the theater thinking this in a good way. When The Matrix came ...
A Darker Sequel That Proves to Be Just As Heartfelt As the Original
Director: DEAN DEBLOIS/2014
In 2010, How to Train Your Dragon introduced us to Hiccup (J...
A Picture Truly Worth 1,000 Words...
Director: FRED SCHEPISI/2014
“Words are lies”.
And with this simple statement, art teacher Dina Delsanto (Academy Aw...
Is the Third Time the Charm for the Pairing of Sandler and Barrymore?
Director: FRANK CORACI/2014
When it comes to Adam Sandler films, people tend to have o...
Does This Film Find the Strike Zone?
Director: CRAIG GILLESPIE/2014
Million Dollar Arm is the latest Disney film centered around sports that is based on a t...
Erik Yates is a high school teacher by day, and has extensive writing experience writing curriculum for various outlets, songs for his former band, and articles for the blog Vinyl Theology. Erik resides in Houston, Texas and is passionate about film, music, family, and traveling. When he is not watching film, or working at his day job, Erik finds time to add to his vinyl record collection, play guitar, or attend concerts. You may just find him hanging out at the local Alamo Drafthouse. You can connect with him on his Twitter account.