Director: Luis Prieto/2017
Just to come right out and say it, Kidnap is not the worst thing you'll see this summer. At a superficial level, you can even "en...
Director: Geetu Mohandas/2013
Street Date: July 5, 2017/Kino Lober
Liar's Dice is the debut feature film from actress/writer Geethu Mohandas. As an India...
Director: John MacKenzie/1990
Street Date: July 18, 2017/Kino Lorber Studio Classics
John MacKenzie's The Last of the Finest, features a fine cast indeed....
Ridley Scott's Film on Christopher Columbus Gets a 25th Anniversary Blu-ray Release Without Much new Discovery.
Director: Ridley Scott/1992
Street Date: Jun...
While not Miami Vice, this 1980's film captures the times perfectly with a crime drama starring Charlie Sheen and D.B. Sweeney.
Director: Peter Werner/1987
"Cartel Land" Director Delivers an Even More Powerful Story of Citizen Journalists Versus ISIS
Director: Matthew Heineman/2017
In 2015, Matthew Heineman br...
Director: Kathryn Bigelow/2017
From its opening sequence of animation and title cards giving background information that leads up to what you are about to wi...
Hitler Assassination Plot Falls Flat
The title 13 Minutes tells the latest "based on a true story" tale of Georg E...
A Ghost Story is a must-see film for 2017 that will haunt you long after you first view it.
Director: David Lowery/2017
David Lowery received a lot of notic...
We Plead Guilty to Loving These Movies!
What’s the movie that you love that always gets the response, “Really? That one?” Did you think Chappie was thought p...
Erik Yates is a high school teacher by day, and has extensive writing experience writing curriculum for various outlets, songs for his former band, and articles for the blog Vinyl Theology. Erik resides in Houston, Texas and is passionate about film, music, family, and traveling. When he is not watching film, or working at his day job, Erik finds time to add to his vinyl record collection, play guitar, or attend concerts. You may just find him hanging out at the local Alamo Drafthouse. You can connect with him on his Twitter account.